A picture of me (in 2022)

Gan Shen

Email: gshen42@ucsc.edu
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Hi, I'm a 5th-year PhD candidate in Computer Science from University of California, Santa Cruz. I'm advised by Prof. Lindsey Kuper and a member of the LSD lab. My research lies in programming languages, with a focus on their applications in building software that is elegant, correct, and efficient (in this order!).

Specifically, I work on choreographic programming, a programming paradigm that allows one to write a single program that describes the complete behavior of a distributed system and then compiles it to individual programs run on each node. In this way, interactions between nodes are manifest and guaranteed deadlock-free, an essential step toward understandable and reliable distributed systems. We've been developing HasChor, a Haskell library for choreographic programming, to experiment with language design and create real-world distributed systems.



At UCSC, as a teaching assistant:
